Large Moyamoya Disease Study Reveals Key Gender Differences in Surgical Patient Treatment Outcome
Clinical findings by gender elucidated in this study:
•Female MMD patients had a two-fold higher risk of developing TIAs as a presenting symptom than males.
•Females had a three-fold higher risk of adverse postoperative events than males.
•Five-year cumulative risk of adverse postoperative events: 8.3 percent in females versus 2.7 percent in males.
Both males and females experienced significant clinical improvement following surgical revascularization at a mean follow up of 4.6 years. “This data supports surgical revascularization as beneficial to both groups, despite the trend toward a higher rate of adverse postoperative events in females. The importance of early clinical evaluation, diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention is clearly essential, but the exact role of gender-related influences in the pathophysiology of MMD needs to undergo further studies,” concluded Dr. Khan.
A few interesting facts here, this is the place that we see recommended most often for MMD surgery and it is good to see some numbers come out for us to analyze.
309 Women with the surgery, 25-26 had postoperative events, 8.3%
124 Men with the same surgery, only 3 or 4 with postoperative events 2.7%.
As you know I created this site because of the attitude that is seen on MMD website of ALWAYS surgery, 100% of the time, and if you ask about other options you are literally ridiculed and told you do not love your spouse, child, etc unless you make them get the surgery!! (Ask me how I know..)
Now, if you have read THIS site, you realize that I believe that surgery is likely the BEST option for creating additional blood flow, and that blood flow IS the key to MMD!
Side note, blood thinners ALSO seem to have a positive effect in that area, helps to prevent future blockages, etc, NEITHER surgery or blood thinners is a cure.... but help to reduce the symptoms. Keeping yourself HYDRATED is VERY VERY important for MMD folks, getting dehydrated can cause a "watershed" stroke so drink lots of liquids folks!
So, I am just reporting the news, when I can actually read the paper in depth, I will do so and report on those findings as well!!
But good information to have / and realize that the surgery does NOT guarantee no future events!! In fact for women this study shows 8.x of 100 do have further postop events.
As always, our prayers go out to everyone with MMD