Monday, July 28, 2008

Moyamoya Two year cycle!!

One of the more interesting findings in this study is this fact:

"The duration from first symptomatic event to last symptomatic event (TIA or stroke) with medical treatment is shown in Figure 2A. Most subsequent events occurred in the first 2 years after presentation and 1 after six years."

This is what our doctor told us when we were first finding out about the disease and what our options were. (Surgery, treating with medicine, etc)

Of course you do not know where you are in that 2 year cycle, and that is one of the more scary parts.

Based on the rest of this study and the fact that those treated with medicine have a similar risk for another stroke as those operated on, we have chosen to not have surgery for now. If there is another stroke, we will reconsider it at that point.

Surgery does not "fix" moyamoya (25% DO see a reduction in MM vessels though!), but essentially creates another avenue for blood to get to your brain.

One of the most important things to know is how well your brain is profused (getting blood now) and there is some tests they can do to help you find this out. If it is not getting an adequate supply of blood, I believe surgery is the ONLY option to increase blood flow!

I hope this information is helping, please send me comments so we know the word is getting out there!

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